Joakim - Your old request from 28 feb 11 (See below) ... did you ever found a proper solution ... struggeling with EXACT same issue .... All Inner tags are cleared (Simply NO text) sas wanted - but the outer tag is left and with in the tag is a number of CR/LF charecters left - subsequently the service I call throws an error because IF the tag start/tag end is send the Schema checks for the content with in the Grup tag start/tag end .... frustrating ... ;-)
Regrards Lars
Remove Empty Content
by joakimrosendahl » 28 Feb 2011 13:20
I almost found the perfect solution to a problem I am facing, but I don't know if you regard this as a bug or as a new feature. It seems like the feature "Remove Empty Conent" only processes the request once, but I was hoping it to do multiple passes. Removing all empty tags can result with an empty tag =). Example: Removing empty content in this pseudo-xml:
The result from this is an tag with empty content: