9 years agoRegular Visitor
In ReadyAPI, how do you set default value to true for Remove Empty Content?
We expect your problem to be described clearly to get it solved. Also, this should actually go to Ready API - SoapUI NG forum and should not fall under "Feedbacks and Suggestions".
However, value for "Remove Empty Content" property is by default 'false'. But this can be tweaked through a single Groovy Script,
for( testSuite in testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteList() ) { for( testCase in testSuite.getTestCaseList() ) { for( testStep in testCase.getTestStepList() ) { if( testStep instanceof com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequestStep ) { testStep.getTestRequest().setRemoveEmptyContent(true) } } } }