Forum Discussion

ArunS's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

Releasing SOAPUI project to Maven/JFrog repo with latest version number using POM file

Hi Team,

I would like to set context of problem


What we have done:

We have created SOAPUI project which is purely set of Groovy programs(we call as Framework project), this Framework has common utility class like Excel read/write, Data base connections etc....


There are many teams who are using Framework project along with there respective module SOAPUI projects.


Problem as below:

These many days we used to copy Framework project manually from Repo to local machine and we use Framework project in there repective module SOAPUI projects.


Now we wanted to release Framework project with release version number to maven/Jfrog(like 1.1.0-Framework), Respective SOAPUI module projects should just have to mention Framework number in there pom.xml file, Framework project should get downloaded with whatever version number mentioned.


Could you people let us know how to release SOAPUI project with version number onto Maven/JFrog repository....????


This kind of approach we are already following in other Java projects

  • Hello ArunS,


    If I understood your scenario correctly, your config would be similar to this:


    Though, this does not look like a typical Artifactory usage scenario. ReadyAPI projects would typically be stored in a version control software (like GitHub) and pulled for a run from there.


1 Reply

  • Hello ArunS,


    If I understood your scenario correctly, your config would be similar to this:


    Though, this does not look like a typical Artifactory usage scenario. ReadyAPI projects would typically be stored in a version control software (like GitHub) and pulled for a run from there.