Forum Discussion

LearningTC's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Record scenarios for every release?



I record the scenarios in LoadComplete for every release and do data correlation & parameterizing etc., for the load test.

I record it every time because, few service calls are failing with new build (Possibly because of the changes) which results in "time unknown" in Report.


Is there a way to generalize the script for a scenario & use it every time?

It would be great if you can send me some links / tutorials for this.


Thanks in advance...


  • LoadComplete 4.0 was released on Jan. 25, 2016 and contains some new features that could save you time. First and foremost is the ability to create and save correlation rules. This will allow you to easily propagate correlation changes throughout your scenario and automatically perform the correlations for future recordings.


    The scenario editor has also been redesigned with some usability enhancements that may prove useful to you. Easy copy/paste/move of requests, pages, and scenarios could allow you to replicate the parts of your scenario that consistently work across different builds of your application. For example, if it’s always just a few web service calls that fail in new builds, you could record a new scenario and then copy/paste the updated service call requests to a scenario that you’ve already parameterized. You may need to make some correlation tweaks to the requests you copy over, but this should save you time.


    Another alternative is to break your workflow into modular pieces (e.g. Log In, Run Report, etc), changing the appropriate scenario when a new build is released. You can then arrange these pieces in a single scenario.


    If you haven’t already, please take a look at the release notes for LoadComplete 4.0. I believe this could offer significant improvements on your current workflow. I recommend making backup copies of any projects you created in LC 3.2 or earlier before converting them to LC 4.0.


    Hope this helps!

2 Replies

  • LoadComplete 4.0 was released on Jan. 25, 2016 and contains some new features that could save you time. First and foremost is the ability to create and save correlation rules. This will allow you to easily propagate correlation changes throughout your scenario and automatically perform the correlations for future recordings.


    The scenario editor has also been redesigned with some usability enhancements that may prove useful to you. Easy copy/paste/move of requests, pages, and scenarios could allow you to replicate the parts of your scenario that consistently work across different builds of your application. For example, if it’s always just a few web service calls that fail in new builds, you could record a new scenario and then copy/paste the updated service call requests to a scenario that you’ve already parameterized. You may need to make some correlation tweaks to the requests you copy over, but this should save you time.


    Another alternative is to break your workflow into modular pieces (e.g. Log In, Run Report, etc), changing the appropriate scenario when a new build is released. You can then arrange these pieces in a single scenario.


    If you haven’t already, please take a look at the release notes for LoadComplete 4.0. I believe this could offer significant improvements on your current workflow. I recommend making backup copies of any projects you created in LC 3.2 or earlier before converting them to LC 4.0.


    Hope this helps!