Forum Discussion

MehdiKrichene's avatar
Senior Member
2 years ago

refresh Issue


I'm trying to execute functional tests with ReadyAPI and here is the issue I'm faced to:

Actually, I need to add some "JDBC" steps to my testCases so when I specify the preconfigured dataBase that I want to use, it's correctly done.

But, when I update the port number in Databases connection editor, the refresh is not done at the steps level



Can you please help me to fix this issue ?


1 Reply

  • msandoval's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I had similar issues when editing/updating endpoints when I was using RA 3.44, I had to make the changes, save the project, close it and the open it again (which is not a feature is a bug), also check your environment variables, I had some bad luck before by editing the wrong environment😅