Hey esoysal
regarding git/SSL issue, please see here --> https://community.smartbear.com/t5/ReadyAPI-Questions/SSL-error-when-connecting-ReadyAPI-to-Git/td-p/215932
to answer your other questions - is your license one of the new ID based ones or is it the .key file license?
I can't answer if it's ID based as I don't know how these work as they're quite a new approach (I think new in the last 6 months). If you have the .key file - I'd make sure it's moved to a different directory (not the Program Files/ReadyAPI directory (nor saved in any of the sub directories) so that if the Program Files/ReadyAPI parent folder is removed - you don't lose the .key license file.
If you uninstall ReadyAPI and reinstall - the .key file is generally found automatically - think I might have had to point to it again a couple of times - I could be misremembering this - or I could be remembering instead when I've done an upgrade rather than a reinstall - but either way - as long as you know where the .key file is, that's hardly a chore.
Rather than try the download that's kicked off via ReadyAPI - you can always do teh download manually - go here --> https://support.smartbear.com/readyapi/downloads/ for the latest version - or try here --> https://support.smartbear.com/readyapi/docs/general-info/version-history/index.html
Regarding difficulty closing the application - I'm curious - have you checked your ReadyAPI logs to see if it's trying to do something whilst youre trying to close? Also - you might want to monitor Task Manager to see if there's any CPU usage during your exit attempts (I mean - something other than you trying to close the app down)
If ReadyAPI doesn't appear to be doing anything when you try and close it down - I think I'd just uninstall and reinstall again - just in case this straightens things out for you.