Forum Discussion

AAB's avatar
Regular Contributor
5 years ago

ReadyAPI script assertion 'is not equal' to for JSON response



I would like to assert that certain values are not present in the response of my REST request.

I'm using ReadyAPI V2.8.0.

when sending the endpoint I'm expecting only values for the language='nl'. If the language is 'fr','de' or 'en' the testcase should fail.

I receive a lot of answers for that request, so using the Smart Assertions is not an option.

I've tried regular expression, but I don't seem to understand this.

I've seen in the documentation of SmartBear that I could use Script Assertions but I don't find snippets to get to that.

  • * (Not) Contains is only looking for the node
  • * JsonPath expression is only looking for the node
  • * Equals is looking for a text (or property, but here it's not about properties) but those abreviations could be in a complete description and that is not what I need.

Does anyone have an idea please?

Response is Json and looks like this



You won't be able to test the endpoint as there is a strong security on it.

Thanks in advance

Kind Regards,


  • Hello,


    I've looked into this with a developper. For our response we see that we actually have an array in an array. Therefore the code needed to be adapted a bit.

    The response looks like this:

    Tue Sep 22 16:30:58 CEST 2020: INFO: [[nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], [nl], ......etc..]

    Assertion second part:


    def checkForLanguage = "nl"
    def onlyExpectedLanguage = true
    language.each {
      element -> element.each {
      		languageUnderTest -> {
      				if (!languageUnderTest.equals(checkForLanguage)) {
      						onlyExpectedLanguage = false
   "Found unexpected language: ${languageUnderTest}"
    assert onlyExpectedLanguage, "Found a different language than ${checkForLanguage}"


    In this case I was, with the previous code, asking to compare a string (def checkForLanguage = "nl")  with an array ( def language = json.pdcData.concepts.description.language ) and thus of course the code passed each time because it was comparing something (array) with nothing (string).

    So in order to be able to compare, I needed to loop over each array in that array.

    Mostly the code is written like this:


    def expected = true
         y -> y.each{
               variableName -> {
                                 //your statement here
    assert expected, "error message here"



    Thanks for your help anyways 😄 

    Kind regards,


  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey AAB,

    I have a script assertion that nmrao put together for me will help i think. Im on my phone at the moment, but when im back on my laptop i'll publish the assertion Rao gave me.

    Nice one,

    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero

      Hey AAB 


      Here's the script assertion that might need a little tweak for multiple values but works to assert an attribute doesnt have a specific single value.

      //courtesy of Rao
      //this is when the JSONPATH to the relevant attribute is 'pdcMetadata.pdcData.concepts.description.language'
      //this checks that the language attribute does NOT contain the value 'fr'
      def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response)
      def languageVals = json.pdcMetadata.pdcData.concepts.description.language
      def checkFor = 'fr'
      //Negative check - value should not have appointment "!=", 
      //Positive check -  use "==" to match value with fr
      assert languageVals.every {it != checkFor}, "Not expecting value ${checkFor} for language, but found"

      As you can see above - this just verifies that the language attribute doesn't contain the value 'fr' - if you are trying to assert that language doesn't hold 'fr', nor 'en', nor 'de' - at a worst case (which is a rubbish option) you could just add multiple script assertions to cover each language option - but I think you can just stick them in an array on the checkFor variable definition - e.g.

      def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response)
      def languageVals = json.pdcMetadata.pdcData.concepts.description.language
      def checkFor = ['fr', 'en', 'de'] //here I've included the values in an array cos theres >1 value to assert against
      assert languageVals.every {it != checkFor}, "Not expecting value ${checkFor} for language, but found"

      I haven't actually had a chance to setup something to test this yet - but hopefully it'll start you off - the 3 separate script assertions would do the job - but that is so inelegant I'm ashamed of suggesting it - also - getting it to work properly is just waaaaay more satisfying!


      Hope this helps fella!


      nice one




      • AAB's avatar
        Regular Contributor

        Hey richie 

        Thanks for your time! I'll look at it in a few....doing other stuff first, but looks good! I'll see what groovy says about this  ;-)

