5 years agoOccasional Contributor
readyapi report
how to creare ready API report in that Requirement - 1)testsuite name 2)teatcase name 3)test step name 4)request response for pass and fail test steps 5)method 6)Statuscode All are required ...
- 5 years agoNot a clear question.
What type of report are you looking? junit, pdf or something else? - 5 years ago
Pdf type report needed
Also shows pass test case - green color and fail test case - red
below code is not sufficient for that plaese help in that
// Below code goes in set up script tab FileWriter file = new FileWriter("D:/udm/reporting/Report.html") def str = '''<HTML> <HEAD> <meta charset='UTF-8'> <title>WEBSERVICE TEST AUTOMATION REPORT</title> <style> .demo { border:1px solid #C0C0C0; border-collapse:collapse; padding:5px; } .demo th{ border:1px solid #C0C0C0; padding:5px; background:#E0F0F1; } .demo td{ border:1px solid #C0C0C0; padding:5px; background:white; } </style> </Head> <table class="demo"> <h3> WEBSERVICE TEST AUTOMATION REPORT</h3> <thead> <tr> <th>Test Step</th> <th>Method</th> <th>Status Code</th> <th>Endpoint</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>''' file.write(str) file.close() // Below code goes in TearDown script tab FileWriter file = new FileWriter("D:/udm/reporting/Report.html", true) def testStepName def method def statusCode def endpointURL def str testCase.testStepList.each{ testStepName = method = it.getHttpRequest().getResponse().getMethod() statusCode = it.testRequest.response.responseHeaders["#status#"][0] endpointURL = it.getHttpRequest().getResponse().getURL() str = "<tr><td>${testStepName}</td><td>${method}</td><td>${statusCode}</td><td>${endpointURL}</td></tr>" file.append(str) } file.append("</tbody></table></HTML>") file.close()