ReadyAPI: How to remove table name in jdbc response
I need to know how it is possible to remove the table name in the jdbc response.
My situation is:
I have configured 2 environments on my project: one has Postgres database, the other one has Oracle database.
When I run a jdbc step on postgres, an example of response is:
<ResultSet fetchSize="0">
<Row rowNumber="1">
where DICTIONARY_CODE is the table name and SEQ_DICTIONARY_CODE is the column name.
When I run it on the Oracle database, the response is:
<ResultSet fetchSize="0">
<Row rowNumber="1">
so, on oracle is not returned the table name.
It is a problem for the assertions and also when I want to use this value as a property in another step.
To do an example:
After the jdbc request, I have a REST Request in which I use the jdbc response value as a property:
"seqAbbreviationGroup" : "${Find abbreviation_group from dictionary_code#ResponseAsXml#//Results[1]/ResultSet[1]/Row[1]/DICTIONARY_CODE.SEQ_DICTIONARY_CODE[1]}"
So, to use it, on postgres I need to define the table name and the column name, on Oracle only the column name.
In this way it is impossible to run the same project on 2 different environments.
A solution could be to have the same jdbc response in both the environments: so, how it is possible to remove the table name in the jdbc response?
Or, there is any particular settings to make "universal" the jdbc response?
I use the 3.20.0 ReadyAPI version.
I hope my request is clear. If you need, I can give you further details.
Thanks in advance.