Forum Discussion

Testq's avatar
Occasional Visitor
2 years ago

Readyapi doesnt close (context)menus after clicking



Got a strange problem in readyApi. When clicking an option in 1 of the menu's, the menu doens't dissappear which makes readyApi unusable within a few clicks.


I got a few projects in my workspace, and when I try to remove one, i can click the close button for example, but it doenst close the project. The menu is 'hiddenly' closed instead, because the mouseover animation is gone, but it still looks like its open. 

This also applies to the top menus. Once opened, they won't disappear when a menu entry is clicked.


I have to restart ReadyApi once every 10-15 clicks, which makes it unusable.



- Reinstalling the application, even updated to latest version.

- Updating reinstalling Java



  • PatrickBo's avatar
    New Contributor

    I got the same problem. It might be caused by Windows 11 because I have the same version of ReadyAPI on a Windows 10 workstation with the same Java version (17,0,6) and there everything works fine.

    • Firou's avatar
      Occasional Visitor

      is your problem already solved?
      We also have the same problem 😞


      • TNeuschwanger's avatar
        Community Leader

        Hello Firou ,


        The original post had an included picture that showed the version at 3.40.2 which is pretty old.  If you are not on the latest version (3.46.1), try updating to it to see if your issue resolves.




  • PatrickBo's avatar
    New Contributor

    My problem is solved but I don't know what solved it. What I have done is this:

    - Removed all java versions and reinstalled version 17.0.6

    - removed in the environment variables following lines:

       - _JAVA_OPTIONS



    - running now version 3.45.0 of ReadyAPI


    Hope it will work for you too!