Forum Discussion
- navinkm4 years agoNew Contributor
Below is the Windows Batch Script which I call to run the READY API tests :-
REM ReadyAPI Tester Version 1.18 11/28/2016
@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
Echo OFFset RepositoryFolder=%1
set ProjectFolder=%2
set SoapUIDir=%3
set TestCase=%4
set Environment=%5
set ExitCode=%6echo Running ReadyAPI with the following variables:
echo RepositoryFolder=%RepositoryFolder%
echo ProjectFolder=%ProjectFolder%
echo SoapUIDir=%SoapUIDir%
echo TestCase=%TestCase%
echo Environment=%Environment%
echo ExitCode=%ExitCode%SET SoapUIProject=%RepositoryFolder%\%ProjectFolder%
cd /d "%SoapUIDir%"
if not x%TestCase:testcase:=%==x%TestCase% set cmdString=-c %TestCase:testcase:=%
if not x%TestCase:testsuite:=%==x%TestCase% set cmdString=-s %TestCase:testsuite:=%if [%Environment%]==[] set cmdString=%cmdString% -E "%Environment%"
cmd.exe /C CALL testrunner.bat -j -a -r -f "%WORKSPACE%" -R "Status" ^"%JOB_NAME%" -Dreadyapi.environment="%Environment%" "%SoapUIProject%" %cmdString%if Defined ExitCode exit /b %ExitCode%
- navinkm4 years agoNew Contributor
It worked when I replaced -R "Status" command line argument with "-RJUnit-Style HTML Report".