Forum Discussion

prasanna2's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

Running ReadyAPI project and test cases from JIRA utilizing Jenkins and generating report

Could you please suggest me if there is a way I could run my ReadyAPI project/test cases from JIRA utilizing Jenkins and also generating reports? My expectation:

A. ReadyAPI project/test case would be triggered through some Jenkins plugin when test run is invoked from JIRA . The scenario would be:

  1. JIRA will send run request
  2. Jenkin plugin will trigger ReadyAPI project/test case
  3. ReadyAPI project/test case would be run
  4. Pass/fail result is shown in JIRA
  5. Report is generated

The same if I could do with other alternates.

    • prasanna2's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks Nastya! But my original concern is to use Jenkins and ReadyAPI NOT Zephyr. Please check my steps.


      1. JIRA will send run request
      2. Jenkin plugin will trigger ReadyAPI project/test case
      3. ReadyAPI project/test case would be run
      4. Pass/fail result is shown in JIRA
      5. Report is generated

      The TestRail link is very useful. Is it possible if I can invoke TestRail test cases from JIRA?

      • richie's avatar
        Community Hero

        My last contract a couple of years ago used Testrail and JIRA.

        The team that worked for me did look at invoking testrail tests via JIRA, but was abandoned due to a number of technical issues...which i cant remember what the issues were as i wasnt directly involved...i was just getting reports. Its a couple of years on...maybe there have been version updates resolving the issues my team found.

        I do remember however that i didnt think too highly of the testrail/readyapi! Integration....i remember youd have to create placeholder tests in testrail that equated to the testcase hierarchy in your readyapi project and thete was no way to represent a looping testcase in testrail. Essentially there was an exposed testrail (POST method) api and you add an equivalent POST step as the last step in your readyapi! testcase which updates the pass/fail status on the testcase in testrail.
        We never found an effective way to handle a looping testcase....i.e. if the testcase looped and executed x number of times, the testrail post would repeatedly execute overwriting the pass/fail status, so we'd only know if the most recent loop passed or failed.

        As i say....its been a couple of years....maybe things have changed, but we didnt think much of the testrail integration, and tbh, i didnt think much of the rest of testrail either. Just my personal opinion, other people might find it does exactly what they need, i just found it didnt do a lot of what i needed!

        Sorry for the long ramble,


        I do remember