Forum Discussion

JoostDG's avatar
Frequent Contributor
6 years ago

ReadyApi 2.8.2 - First test case results keeps hanging for arbitrary amount of time on FIRST start


When I open my readyApi in the morning and want to execute a project run (of any project) the run stalls. The UI is still responsive, I can still switch tabs, navigate through test cases, look at the logs etc. but the execution does not pass the first test case. I can see it executes the project setup script up until the first testcase teardown script (included) but then it stalls. I assume ReadyAPI has problems concluding the results of the first test case/test suite (even though it might be for a test without any assertions) . The progress bar keeps displaying as "busy" (see below screen).

Stopping the run is not an option. Doing other impactfull action result in a full freeze of the UI (e.g. clicking on "add as testcase" in the project tab for any given request). 


"Some" time later (can be 20 or 40  minutes) I notice that finally the execution jumps to the next test suite. The logs do not indicate anything. Memory seems to be not an issue, since there is no visual indication of any heap space shortage or anything similar and task manager shows I'm near to 70% memory use. I tweaked with all given memory optimization tricks (, to no avail. I do see "The test run data of the X project will not be stored, since no appropriate database table was found.", but I believe that is part of my memory tweakings and has no connection to my issue (?).

The project itself is not big or extra-ordinary special in any way, there is nothing in the first test case that require a lot of resources or anything like that. Again, it's the same for any project I run and the logs do not indicate any real problem.


The strange thing is: For the rest of the day I can run the projects fine without that initial delay time! It really is only the first run only. I can switch to anohter project and run it without problems. That same project will stall on a fresh start of readyAPI.


I wonder if anyone came across the same issue and might have a clue what's the reason. I came across this post that also describes the problem fairly accurate ( which seems to indicate it's an existing issue in previous versions also. The recommendations there provided (memory optimization) I already tried...

  • Hi Fabours ,

    I might have found a solution... I was fed up because today it still wasn't properly running after 50 minutes... I deleted the .db files in the db folder at C:\Users\yourname\.readyapi\db. (Well, I moved them to a backup folder, just in case). The readyapi.h2.db file for instance, was 176.060 KB.


    Now the project runs fine. Do not know whether this is just temporary or I got lucky, but perhaps you can give it a try.

  • Fabours's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi JoostDG ,

    I encounter the same problem on my ReadyAPI 2.8.0 instance.


    It happens everytime on my first launch and I can't process through any of the following actions :

    • Import project
    • Reload project
    • Run test case
    • Save project
    • etc.

    Each time, an IllegalStateException: JavaFX doest not respond is thrown in the Error Log.



    After waiting quite a long time, around 20min, it magically works fine without errors.


    I also tried lots of optimization tuning as toying with -Xmx or adding -Dsoapui.jxbrowser.disabled=true in ReadyAPI.vmoptions file but nothing works.


    It seems to happen to lots of ReadyAPI users and it would be nice to have a workaround or a fix on this one because we can't afford to wait 20min-ish of our time for ReadyAPI to be functional at startup.





    • JoostDG's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi Fabours ,

      I might have found a solution... I was fed up because today it still wasn't properly running after 50 minutes... I deleted the .db files in the db folder at C:\Users\yourname\.readyapi\db. (Well, I moved them to a backup folder, just in case). The readyapi.h2.db file for instance, was 176.060 KB.


      Now the project runs fine. Do not know whether this is just temporary or I got lucky, but perhaps you can give it a try.

      • Fabours's avatar
        New Contributor

        Hi JoostDG 


        It worked for me aswell!
        Thanks a lot for sharing your workaround, it gonna save me lots of time... :)


        Will keep you updated if the problem comes back.


        Have a good one!

  • nuv7's avatar
    Occasional Contributor



    I have the similar problem but does not has luck for your resolution. When I load my test suite, it does not load all the endpoints, it just hang and refresh does not work.  I am not able to run all my tests in one suite.  I have about 250 end points in one test suit.  I also try to break down the test suite in many little suites and they don't help either.


    Please help.