Ready API: test Data source properties in groovy script
I have a datasource (Excel) and one TestStep which I'd like to run only if some properties in the data source have a certain content, otherweise I'd like to skip the test step.
I added a groovyScript Step where I'm trying to check the property values from the data source, but whatever I do, it is always null.
Latest I tried the following:
def coInsured = context.expand( '${DataSource#propertyExample}' )"propertyExample: ",propertyExample); /*--> null*/
def row = testRunner.testCase.testSteps["DataSource"].currentRow"row: ",row); /* --> null */
So my question: how can I have access to the value of a dataSource property within a Data Source Loop using a groovy script.
Or is there another possibility to run a TestStep depending on the value of one or more data source propertiies?
Thanks in advance