thanks for your reply
Yes we are using latest ready api plugin
ready api full product is not installed on the server, it is only a jenkins linux server
there's no error in the log (I removed info log in the middle)
[INFO] Hibernate Validator 4.1.0.Final
[INFO] Adding module 'com.smartbear.ready.cmd.CommandLineModule
12:09:05,447 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] Creating new settings at [/var/lib/jenkins/soapui-settings.xml]
12:09:09,221 INFO [PluginManager] 0 plugins loaded in 16 ms
12:09:09,221 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] All plugins loaded
12:09:10,905 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] Creating new settings at [/var/lib/jenkins/soapui-settings.xml]
12:09:10,960 INFO [PluginManager] 0 plugins loaded in 0 ms
12:09:10,960 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] All plugins loaded
[INFO] Loaded project from [file:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/WsEosTransversalReady/workspace/wsEOSTransversalReady-soapui-project.xml]
12:09:11,827 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] Running tests in the project [REST Project swagger]
12:09:11,916 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] Running TestCase [Transversal]
12:09:11,933 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] Running TestCase [Transversal]
12:09:11,956 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] running step [work properties]
12:09:12,205 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] running step [Debug script]
12:09:17,863 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] running step [deleteFilter - QUALITY]
12:09:17,922 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] running step [logout - RSD0]
12:09:17,944 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] Assertion [Valid HTTP Status Codes] has status VALID
12:09:17,977 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] Finished running TestCase [Transversal], time taken: 2472ms, status: FINISHED
12:09:17,982 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] TestCase [Transversal] finished with status [FINISHED] in 2472ms
[JENKINS] Recording test results
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 24.494 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-06-15T12:09:18+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 62M/859M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
[JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/WsEosTransversalReady/workspace/pom.xml to com.rsd/wsEosTransversalReady/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/wsEosTransversalReady-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
channel stopped
Finished: SUCCESS
do you have a complete pom example ?