Forum Discussion

Ludo15101966's avatar
9 years ago

Jenkins/maven from free Soapui to Ready api

I'm trying new test reporting with Ready api 1.7 and CI Chain jenkins/maven

I'm using my own trial license activated on my desktop.

I copied the license in a directory pointed by "soapui.home" in the pom


I have problem to run the same tests I'm running ok with free version

do I need a specific trial license for this config ?


Thank you



[INFO] Adding module 'com.smartbear.ready.cmd.CommandLineModule
04:47:58,030 INFO  [DefaultSoapUICore] Creating new settings at [/var/lib/jenkins/soapui-settings.xml]
04:47:58,741 WARN  [SoapUIProGroovyScriptEngineFactory] Missing scripts folder [/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/WsEosTransversalReady/workspace/scripts]
04:48:00,107 INFO  [PluginManager] 0 plugins loaded in 3 ms
04:48:00,107 INFO  [DefaultSoapUICore] All plugins loaded
[INFO] Initializing database..
[INFO] Waiting for changelog lock....
04:48:00,806 INFO  [DefaultSoapUICore] Creating new settings at [/var/lib/jenkins/soapui-settings.xml]
04:48:00,869 INFO  [PluginManager] 0 plugins loaded in 0 ms
04:48:00,869 INFO  [DefaultSoapUICore] All plugins loaded
No valid SoapUI NG license exists.
Please enter absolute path of the license file (.zip or .key):
[ERROR] java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 7.595 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-06-07T04:48:00+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 38M/547M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.smartbear:ready-api-maven-plugin:1.7.0:test (RestWebServices-TransversalTestSuitebis) on project wsEosTransversalReady: Ready! API Test(s) failed: Ready! API Test(s) failed:
[ERROR] No line found
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]


  • Hello Marcus ,


    Thank you for your reply


    The pb is now solved, we were using the same trial license on personal desktop and jenkins on ubuntu CI server.

    As jenkins user is not a "normal" user you have to run a command like this to apply the license


    sudo -H -u jenkins bash -c 'java -jar ready-api-license-manager-1.1.jar -fkeyfile.key'


    If it helps other users





    • Ludo15101966's avatar

      Hello Marcus ,


      Thank you for your reply


      The pb is now solved, we were using the same trial license on personal desktop and jenkins on ubuntu CI server.

      As jenkins user is not a "normal" user you have to run a command like this to apply the license


      sudo -H -u jenkins bash -c 'java -jar ready-api-license-manager-1.1.jar -fkeyfile.key'


      If it helps other users





      • bzhechkov's avatar
        New Contributor

        Hello All,


        I tried to use the same command:
        sudo -H -u jenkins bash -c 'java -jar ready-api-license-manager-1.1.jar -fkeyfile.key'

        but I am getting:

        Please select the tool for which you want to get the floating license:
        1. SoapUI NG
        2. LoadUI NG
        3. Secure
        4. ServiceV
        5. VirtServer
        6. Ready! API TestServer

        ERROR: Not a valid selection!

        Is this valid only for floating licenses?
        What input did you put here so you have the license activated?
        I am trying to acticate it on the jenkins node Linux server. Is it how you did it?

        Thank you