Forum Discussion

sanj's avatar
Super Contributor
8 years ago

ready api crashed silently twice

I tried to start it twice but READY API crashes silently

I do not know see anything in windows logs.

now I will try restart PC and see if that fixes the issue.


  • I can usually find crash logs in the actual ready-api.log or ready-api-errors.log. These are usually in your \userprofile\.readyapi\logs. 

  • sanj's avatar
    Super Contributor

    restart fixed the issue

    I would like to capture crash logs to send to support.

    How can I do this?


    • groovyguy's avatar
      Community Hero

      I can usually find crash logs in the actual ready-api.log or ready-api-errors.log. These are usually in your \userprofile\.readyapi\logs. 

      • sanj's avatar
        Super Contributor

        Here is the info they require for capturing crash logs.

        For me thats too late but good to know for next time.

        I am sending crash logs that I have on my user profile

        1. Complete the Ready! API log:
          1. Run the Command Prompt and navigate to the <Ready! API>\bin folder.
          2. Run the following command:
            ReadyAPI-X.X.X.exe>C:\log.txt 2>C:\error_log.txt
            Ready! API will be started and logging will be redirected to the C:\log.txt and C:\error_log.txt files (you can change the location of the files if you want).
          3. Reproduce the problem.
          4. Send us the log.txt and error_log.txt files.
        2. Check whether the R!API Installation\bin folder contains files named like hs_err_pidXXXXX.log. If the files are there, please send them to us.