Forum Discussion

iiontihy's avatar
12 years ago

Problem with with loadUI startup and Selenium client driver

Greetings all,

I'm trying to add Selenium Java client drivers v.2.25 as an extension to the loadUI v.2.1.1 installation I have.
What I've done is:

    1. Download the Selenium drivers from and dump all of the enclosed JARs into the <loadUI>\ext directory

    2. Compare the content of the <loadUI>\ext and <loadUI>\bundle directories and remove duplicate JARs from <loadUI>\ext

    3. Identify <loadUI>\ext JAR files which have newer versions when compared to the <loadUI>\bundle ones and replace the old ones with the newer versions

At this point starting loadUI results in normal startup, then 15-20 sec of GUI time working normally and then silent crash. I was able to identify that removing the <loadUI>\ext JAR files with names:


returns loadUI startup and operation to normal, however missing those files does not allow me to run Selenium scripts.

Has anyone came across similar issues trying to run Selenium scripts from loadUI or debugging a startup crash due to extension JAR?

2 Replies

  • emwillia's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    You have a dependency conflict. Those JARs exist within the loadUI lib which are loaded when you start up. When the dependencies are loaded from the ext folder it creates a class naming conflict and the jvm shuts down the application. Remove those JARs from the lib folder and replace them with your new JARs, and that should do it.