Forum Discussion

gregatwork's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

Pro version 4.5 - Clone Assertions doesn't work anymore

I've had to revert back to 4.0 for a couple of reasons, but haven't seen a post about no longer being able to Clone Assertions in Pro 4.5.

Is anyone else having issues cloning assertions? I saw a post during the webinar the other day, but nothing reported as a bug here. Works fine in Pro 4.0.1.

4 Replies

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Can you tell us more on issue with cloning you are having?

  • gregatwork's avatar
    New Contributor
    I am currently running Build [internal], Build Date 2012/03/26 16:19 and I am not able to reproduce it now. It may be that my machine was low on resources, but I know there was a post during a webinar the other week that another user was having the same issue.
    If the issue happens again, I'll try to gather more details.
  • Hi,

    I also encountered this problem.
    When the assertion step is cloned inside the original test case, it's ok, but when cloned to other test cases, it doesn't work (the assertion step appears inside the other test cases, but cannot be open!!)
    I could really use a solution or a workaround for this, because I need to clone an assertion test step (which includes about 50 assertions) across 30 test cases; It would take forever to start adding them manually..
    Note that I found the problem in Pro version 4.5, but I've recently upgraded to 4.5.1 and the issue is still re-creating.

  • PMarriott's avatar
    New Contributor
    We have had similar problems - does anyone have a fix for this?