Forum Discussion
Thanks for replying
1) Yes Sequential order working as expecting
2) Reason of Parallel - to decrease the execution time as testsuite going bigger and wanted to reduce time of execution
3) from Libtestcase1 is kind of accountgeneration like account1 and testcase1 and testcase2 both using same account1 the intention is when i running sequential testcase1 - getting data from libtestcase as (account1) and
testcase2 - getting like (account2)
but where as on parallel run both testcase1 and testcase2 getting the data as account1 and testcases are failing as duplicate data
i hope this helps
I'm making the assumption that your test cases in the "Testcasessuite" test suite are calling the test cases in the suite "Libtestsuite" via the Run TestCase Test Step, if this is correct? If so have you checked to see what the Run Mode is?
Check to see if the run mode is set to "Create isolated copy for each run", as from the documentation:
"ReadyAPI creates a copy of the target test case in the memory and runs it. This way, the run will not affect other concurrent runs of the test case. With this mode, several copies of the target test case can run in parallel."
- 6786 years agoRegular Contributor
Yes exactly same process i am following...
and i was using Runtestcase with - create isolate copy of each run... but still its taking account1 as a test data for both the testcases on testcasesuite
- emmanuelflores6 years agoOccasional Contributor
I have a set up similar to OP and I've run into similar issues except in my case, all of the LibTestSuite are just scripts calling other Test Suite Test Cases. The flow is like the following
TestSuite A runs TestCase A
TestCase A uses a Script to call a script in LibTestSuite
Scipt in LibTestSuite calls another TestSuite to make calls for uploading a file
If multiple test cases in TestSuite A are doing the same, it'll run into errors if run in parallel
I think because we're calling the other test suites using the scripts, it causes some wierd dependency and the files can't be uploaded. We may need to try using the 'Call Test Case' instead and see if that helps but I'm not sure given how we set it up.
I know this doesn't help your issue, but it's very similar and I'm curious of how to best handle that.
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