Forum Discussion

VaniV28's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Need to create multiple child records


I 'm trying  to create an application with 2 child records (decisions)
Application A with 2 child records (decision id 1 and decision id 2)
I'm using following in the Post request.

"ctrCd" : "${#TestCase#ctrCd}",
"eqId" : "${#TestCase#eqId}",
"aimsNumber" : "${#TestCase#aimsNumber}",
"currentCtrCd" : "${#TestCase#currentCtrCd}",
"proposedCtrCd" : "${#TestCase#proposedCtrCd}",
"applicationStatusId" : "${#TestCase#applicationStatusId}",
"evidenceSummary": "***Evidence Summary from the API***",
"currentOwner" : "${#TestCase#currentOwner}",
"decisionCategoryId": ${#TestCase#decisionCategoryId5},
"disabilityFg": ${#TestCase#disabilityFg5},
"severeDisabilityFg": ${#TestCase#severeDisabilityFg5},
"disabilityVerifiedFg": ${#TestCase#disabilityVerifiedFg5},
"requireSpecialEducationFg": ${#TestCase#requireSpecialEducationFg5},
"requireSpecialSchoolFg": ${#TestCase#requireSpecialSchoolFg5},
"isSchoolSuitableFg": ${#TestCase#isSchoolSuitableFg5},
"decisionTypeId": ${#TestCase#decisionTypeId5},
"refusalReason": "${#TestCase#refusalReason5}",
"isNew": ${#TestCase#isNew5}

"decisionCategoryId": ${#TestCase#decisionCategoryId6},
"disabilityFg": ${#TestCase#disabilityFg6},
"severeDisabilityFg": ${#TestCase#severeDisabilityFg6},
"disabilityVerifiedFg": ${#TestCase#disabilityVerifiedFg6},
"requireSpecialEducationFg": ${#TestCase#requireSpecialEducationFg6},
"requireSpecialSchoolFg": ${#TestCase#requireSpecialSchoolFg6},
"isSchoolSuitableFg": ${#TestCase#isSchoolSuitableFg6},
"decisionTypeId": ${#TestCase#decisionTypeId6},
"refusalReason": "${#TestCase#refusalReason6}",
"isNew": ${#TestCase#isNew6}


I'm a newbie so any help would be very much appreciated


  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey VaniV28,

    Can you rephrase the question as i dont understand what the issue is.

    Youve posted what looks like parameterised .json request payload and you state you want to create 1 application with 2 child records but i dont know what the "application" nor "child records means in this context.

    If you remember when describing your issue forum members are not cognizant od your projects functionality or requirements so try and explain what you need from that perspective that will only help.


    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Hi VaniV28 ! Did you manage to resolve this on your own?

      If you still need help from the community members, please provide more details about your use case as Richie is asking!

      • VaniV28's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Hi Sonya/Richie,

        sorry for the late reply. Yes I have resolved the issue.