Forum Discussion

hellrid1's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Need to change VM Arguments for Groovy script

I need to change the VM Arguments for a Groovy script to:


I have a Groovy script that needs to connect to an Oracle Database.
The Oracle database is version, which was released in 2005 and is out of date.

It has a bug with regards to logging in.
Basically, it can't log in with a password that isn't all upper case, and our companies password policy does not allow for having such passwords.

The solution to connect to this database in Java, using Eclipse, is to go to the projects's File -> Properties -> Run/Debug Settings.
Select the class that has the Main program, and choose the "Edit" botton.
In the "Edit Configuration" menu, choose the "Arguments" tab.

In the textbox for "VM Arguments" paste:


and hit the "OK" Button.

I need to be able to change the VM Arguments in the Groovy script to:


so that I can connect to this database.

My connection string in Groovy looks like :

def sql = Sql.newInstance("", "username",
"Password1", "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver")