Forum Discussion

ManojKumar's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Need testcase runner summary in PDF format



I am running the SOAP UI NG Pro tool from command prompt. Including -r generates the test summary which just lists the number of testcases, number of passed cases. number of assertions, passed and failed assertion count. Is there a way to generate this as the report in PDF format so that it will be easily exported to other system.


Attached: a snip which contains the content, I am hoping to get in as a pdf



Manoj Kumar

4 Replies

    • ManojKumar's avatar
      Occasional Contributor



      Thank you for your reply.


      I have attached my batch file which contain the commands I used to generate the report. I have also attached, "what I got" as report and "what I need" as report.


      Could you please review and let me know changes that I have to do in my batch file to get the report which contains the content in "What I need" picture.

      • PaulMS's avatar
        Super Contributor

        Try saving to a text file as mentioned above unless you want to customise the project report.


        The Result Metrics section that you might want is currently on page 13 of your report, so this code is the subreport that you need to keep.


                 <subreport isUsingCache="true">
                    <reportElement positionType="Float" isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="0" y="0" width="500" height="30"/>
                    <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String">"subreport:MetricsReport"</subreportExpression>


        Make a backup copy of the preconfigured project report then remove the sections that you don't need.


        A simple change to <defaultValueExpression>false</defaultValueExpression> for parameters other than "IncludeResults" would hide most of the unnecessary detailed subreports.