Hey em_qdx
I kindof struggled with your question - the more I think about it - the more confused I get I'm afraid.
Can you clarify where you say "and use a value from the current iteration from the first Data Source result set that runs earlier in sequence to retrieve records from a second Data Source that runs later in the sequence using a single, matching value?"
When you say "current iteration" - does this mean you're using looping with this?
Also when you say "first Data Source result set that runs earlier in sequence to retrieve records from a second Data Source" - I read this like the first Data source retrieves records from the second data source..... I must be getting that wrong, surely?
Looking at your numbered points, my assumption is that you have a testcase object with ONLY 2 DataSource teststep items in it - is that correct?
Where you state "4. There is currently only one entry in each table and the key values in each record are the same value." - this sounds like there is only 1 record in each table - but surely that cant be correct - otherwise you wouldn't need two queries???
Your queries are as follows - note - I've stripped out the table name prefix cos you're only hitting one table in each query - so it's not necessary - I've also stripped out the aliasing just to make it a little easier to read.
GetId DataSource TestStep
SELECT AutomationTestId, TestName
FROM AutomationTest;
DataSourceName = GetId
Property: AutomationTestId
DataSource 2:
Select AutomationTestInputId, AutomationTestId, InputModel,
From AutomationTestInput
Where AutomationTestId = ${GetId#AutomationTestId}
you can have multiple DataSource test steps in your test case, however I'm not sure if you can use them together as I think you are using them.
HOWEVER - depending on what you're trying to do - I think you have a couple of possibilities - but I'm gonna need the above questions answered and especially the following two
1. Whatever you're actually trying to do - rather than have 2 DataSource(JDBC type) steps - have you tried replacing the SECOND DataSource step with a JDBC step instead? I use parameterised JDBC steps all the time and they work fine
So you're test object hierarchy would be
------DataSource(JDBC type)_1
------JDBC TestStep
2. Why not just use an inner join in only one DataSource(JDBC type) step instead of having 2 separate queries?
i.e. something like as follows:
AT.AutomationTestId AS AT_AutomationTestId,
AT.TestName AS AT_TestName,
ATI.AutomationTestInputId AS ATI_AutomationTestInputId,
ATI.AutomationTestId AS ATI_AutomationTestId, ATI.InputModel AS ATI_InputModel
FROM Automation_Test AS AT
INNER JOIN AutomationTestInput AS ATI WHERE AT.TestId = ATI.TestId;
I keep changing my mind on the possible solutions cos I keep changing my mind what you actually need - hence this reply is just a bit of an unorganised ramble.
If you can answer the 7 questions I've asked - that will nail everything down and I'll be able to give you an answer that'll work for you!
Or - the other forum users don't get confused as easily as I do - they might answer without all my questions - but Im afraid I cant help without those answers.