Forum Discussion

ABCDEFG's avatar
13 years ago

Mouse Pointer Issue with soapUI Pro in Remote Machine


I am facing an Issue with soapUI Pro installed in my Remote machine. I am accessing it using mstsc.exe
We cannot control Mouse Pointer in the soapUI Pro, since its moving dynamically here and there without any control.

I believe that its not issue with Remote machine, since i can access other software's using mstsc.

Whether anyone else facing the same issue, if pls provide workaround.

else, This is a Bug - Hence concerned team can resolve it.


3 Replies

  • No Matter how much time it took, i found 1 work around by myself.

    Disable Tool tips in soapUI Pro settings,
    soapUI Pro Preferences>UI Settings> Disable Tool tips

    Please take it up and find permanent solution, if this is a Bug.

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    thanks for sharing your solution!

    (This has been asked before but we have never been able to reproduce)


    SmartBear Software
  • You are welcome Ole. I am delighted to get good comment from you.

    For your information - The version which i am using is: soapUI Pro 4.0.1.
