Loading or referencing environment properties
Hello, I'm new to Ready API and SOAPUI NG in general. We're still trying to figure out best practices for various thing, in particular VCS. Our tests require a username password, however, we don't want to check in those values into our repository. One possible solution we were thinking about is having a properties file that never gets checked in, but lives in a directory SOAPUI can reference and load on application start up. Is this something SOAPUI can do?
If not what are the other alternatives? What are some of the best practices on handling credentials, e.g., username, password, keys, in test cases and repository?
Appreciate any help thrown my way.
Actually Global Properties work well with environments
And Environment settings are not under settings.xml, its under each projects xml file
Lets say you create two different global properties
envAPassword : envAPasswordValue
envBPassword : envBPasswordValue
Now you need a password property at the project level to show up in environments, let's call it projectPassword
You need to environment settings
1. select envA and need to specify projectPassword value as ${envAPassword}
2. select envB and need to specify projectPassword value as ${envBPassword}
Thus global properties flows seamlessly into your environment.