Forum Discussion

anik_cadieux's avatar
10 years ago

Launching SoapUI test from QAComplete: pops the error "Unable to enumerate the contents of ..."

When launching a test from QAComplete to a virtual machine where SoapUI (free version) is installed and the project is present, the project seems to run correctly, but finishes with a FAIL.

In the Test Run Details, we see at the step :

Uploading logs and reports...


Actural Result:

Unable to enumerate the contents of the directory C:\Users\AQL-UT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Run4297_1\Report: The system cannot find the path specified.


In the folder C:\Users\AQL-UT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Run4297_1\, there is no folder named "Report", but there is a file named Project


Do we absolutely need SoapUI Pro on the remote machine to get a PASS result in QAComplete ?


  • We found that the problem was with the Test Agent configuration. In the "Advanced Settings" page of the "Test Agent Settings", the path to the Ready! API, SoapUI has to be fully specified, as the path to the testrunner.bat is not added to the "path" environment variable when SoapUI or Ready! API is installed.


    Correcting this path made it work correctly, with both SoapUI and Ready! API (both tested)

1 Reply

  • pbeaumont's avatar
    New Contributor

    We found that the problem was with the Test Agent configuration. In the "Advanced Settings" page of the "Test Agent Settings", the path to the Ready! API, SoapUI has to be fully specified, as the path to the testrunner.bat is not added to the "path" environment variable when SoapUI or Ready! API is installed.


    Correcting this path made it work correctly, with both SoapUI and Ready! API (both tested)