Forum Discussion

YP's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Junk characters in SOAPui response.


I'm getting below soap response:


I have tried changing the settings--->Preferences--> unchecking Response Compression boxes. But still issue is not fixed. Can anyone help on this to fix this issue ?

RAW Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2020 15:41:07 GMT
Server: IBM_HTTP_Server
_charset: UTF-8
cache-control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
pragma: no-cache
content-encoding: deflate
transfer-encoding: Chunked
content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive


  • Hi YP 


    Can you please give a try by playing with below option(Entitize Properties) change false to true, vice versa.

    I think it's for request only, but please try once. Hope it will work



  • PrathapR's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Hi YP 


    Can you please give a try by playing with below option(Entitize Properties) change false to true, vice versa.

    I think it's for request only, but please try once. Hope it will work