Forum Discussion

cauvery's avatar
9 years ago

Jenkins job fails to recognize Ready API global properties.

Ready API executed on Jenkins fails for not getting the values for Ready API global properties.

I am getting exception as below:

ERROR [AbstractTestRunner] Exception during Test Execution
com.twilio.exception.ApiException: The requested resource /Accounts//IncomingPhoneNumbers was not found


I can see the value is null as in the url in the above is not populated (empty /Accounts//IncomingPhoneNumbers). If I move the global properties to project properties then the jenkins job is working fine.


I am using the following in my test case setup script to get the global properties:


String var = context.expand( '${globalProp}' )


when I moved this globalProp to project properties I changed to

String var = context.expand( '${#Project#prop}' )


then I don't have any issues with jenkins job. But I want these to be global level properties in my project and not project properties.


Please any suggestions as to why jenkins job is not getting global properties values.


Thank you,


  • Got a better alternate. Makes sense that the global properties will be not recognized. So used groovy file outside of Ready API  tool and worked like a charm.

  • Got a better alternate. Makes sense that the global properties will be not recognized. So used groovy file outside of Ready API  tool and worked like a charm.

    • Sbu's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Expansion also works on global properties with ${#Global#nameOfGlobalProp}.


      Did you try that ?