Forum Discussion

endorium's avatar
Frequent Contributor
6 years ago

Jenkins issue running SOapui PRO and testcomplete through jenkins

I have a CI server process.

It currently runs test complete tests through jenkins and works fine.


I know have soapui Pro. I plan to run API tests after the test complete tests finish.

The issue being it seems I cannot do this.

Jenkins service on the box runs as the local system account. This works fine for test complete but not for Soapui PRo(It says I have no licence)


THe machine is logged in as the user that installed soapUI Pro.


If I change the jenkins service to run specifically as the account that installed soapui Pro, Soapui Pro now runs through jenkins but testcomplete does not work as it cannot access the desktop (It does not even load).


I imagine running both must be possible. Any ideas?

6 Replies

    • endorium's avatar
      Frequent Contributor



      That does not really solve my issue.

      I read that documentation but if i run the service as the user that installed SoapUI, test complete does not work from the jenkins plugin.

      It does not open test complete as mentioend above and the jenkins run fails.

      Its as if it cannot interact with the desktop if the jenkins service does not run as 'Local system account'


      Currently I cannot run testcomplete and soapui through jenkins on the same machine. It does seem like an issue with the software



      • NBorovykh's avatar

        Hi endorium


        The requirements for running SoapUI Pro (with Fixed license) and TestComplete tests from Jenkins are mutually exclusive, indeed. TestComplete requires the Jenkins service to run under the Local System account, and SoapUI Pro - under a user account that is a requirement of the licensing system and the Fixed license type.


        You can overcome this conflict by using the Floating license type instead of Fixed. Once you have your SoapUI Pro Floating license you will need to:

        1. Run the Jenkins service to run under the Local System account;

        2. Add a build step that checks out the license before the test execution as it's described here:

        In this case, the license will be applied under the Local System account and TestRunner will be able to use it.


        To learn more about Floating licenses please reach out to your Sales rep or submit a request here: