Forum Discussion

gilugopi's avatar
10 years ago

JDBC DataSource throwing java.sql.SQLRecoverableException while running via on Linux

Hi   I'm trying to run test scripts on Linux via I'm using Ready API 1.5.0 and have installed a floating license on Linux Machine. I've many test scripts which works without any prob...
  • baxatob's avatar
    9 years ago

    It is not a CodecRegistryError, but SyntaxError.

    Looks like you have Python 27 installed on your machine. That can cause a conflict.

    First of all I suggest to install Python 34 the latest official Python 3 package instead of 27. Then install required package. 


    Finally you should be able to use this code in your TC scripts:



    from os import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, '%PATH_TO_PYTHON_DIRECTORY%\Lib\site-packages') import yourModuleName