Forum Discussion

rajs2020's avatar
Frequent Contributor
4 years ago

Is there an easy way to access parts of an API response in a groovy script?

This is a follow up to my old question - In a groovy script, I would like to be able to access the entire response of an API. For example, like this:

def response = context.expand('Something')
def content_type = response.headers(''content-type")
def name = response.body(jsonPath : students[5th].name)

Is there an easy way to break up a response object into parts like http code, headers, body etc and then extract values from each of these parts? I prefer not to use long and ugly xml like Test#ResponseAsXml/Some long ugly path.

8 Replies

    • rajs2020's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      nmrao - Thanks, I saw your solution also now. It works, but I have some questions.

      1 - Why do you use closures here instead of regular functions?
      2 - How do we reuse the code in other suites also instead of repeating the code?

      PS - I modified your solution as follows.

      Sample response:
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      {"healthy": true}
      //The test step which calls the API.
      def stepName = 'CallApi'
      assert getHeader(stepName, 'Content-Type') == 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
      assert getJson(stepName).healthy == true
      //Utility functions:
      def getStepResponse(stepName){
      def getJson(stepName){
      	new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(getStepResponse(stepName).responseContent)
      def getHeader(stepName, header){


  • aaronpliu's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Hi rajs2020 ,


    response status:

    def teststep = testRunner.testCase.testSteps['Your Test Step']
    def responseStatus = teststep.testRequest.response.responseHeaders["#status#"]


    response header:

    def responseHeader = teststep.testRequest.response.responseHeaders

    response body:

    def responseBody = teststep.testRequest.response.contentAsString





    • rajs2020's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      aaronpliu - Thanks for your reply. Some questions.

      def teststep = testRunner.testCase.testSteps['Your Test Step']
      def responseStatus = teststep.testRequest.response.responseHeaders["#status#"]


      1) Could you please point me to the official documentation on these classes and functions like testRunner etc.?
      2) Is there a table of keywords to use for other headers besides "#status#"? 
      3) Like the headers, can I easily access body also, maybe like this -

      teststep.testRequest.response.body(Json path query to get a field)
      • aaronpliu's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        Hi rajs2020 


        Answer your questions:


        A1: Go to smartbear official online document to look for API docs of ReadyAPI (SoapUI)

        A2: responseHeaders return a map object, you can output this object and to see which info would be access

        A3: Since you already get response object, can directly get response body (e.g. 


        def responseBody = teststep.testRequest.response.contentAsString



        if you get response body, then using JsonSluper (if it is json response) to parse it, you can retrieve any node / value under json object.

        For example:

        json data: {“a": {"b": [{"c": 1, "d": 2}]}}


        import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
        def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(responseBody)
        // output b json.a.b
        // output value of b
        for (def x in json.a.b) {





  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Did you get chance to look at all the replies? or you only do selective replies?