Forum Discussion

letstestthisfas's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Is there a way to pass in Rest Services endpoint info via the command line (mvn) ?

So, currently, I can run my tests with maven, via this command - 


mvn -Denvironment=env1 -DtestSuite= -Dbranch=master -DtestCase= clean test -Dsoapui.environment=env1

 I want to be able to similarly pass in Rest Services endpoints, example 


account-api = http://accounts:8300


Is there a way to pass it? I see that there is soapui.endpoint, but I am unsure how to pass the info. 



  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    1. soapui project changes: You may set a project level property say APPLICATION_URL and update the test requests with endpoint as ${#Project#APPLICATION_URL}
    2. pom.xml changes:


    Now, you may add -Dendpoint=http://yourhost:port your command


    Disclaimer: Just collected it from net, never tried myself.



    Also look at this resource