Forum Discussion

Cekay's avatar
4 years ago

ReadyAPI 3.9.2 - Deactivate check for incorrect endpoint?

Release Notes 3.9.2

Now, ReadyAPI checks an endpoint format and posts an error message to the log in case the endpoint is invalid. It helps you find the cause of the test failing when you, for example, misprint the endpoint.


Is there a way to deactivate this check? ALL my tests are failing because of this change. My tests were working with 3.9.1 so the endpoint is not invalid.



Thu Aug 26 13:33:26 CEST 2021: ERROR: An incorrect endpoint is specified for the request [xxxxx xxxxx]




  • sonya_m's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi everyone, I've spoken to the Team about this behaviour, looks like this is going to be fixed in ReadyAPI 3.10.0.

    The current workaround is to use the previous version of the tool - e.g. ReadyAPI 3.9.1.


  • Got this from the support:


    We are glad to inform you that we have just released ReadyAPI 3.10.0 in which you can disable the endpoint check by passing the following parameter:

    Depending on the way you run ReadyAPI, provide the parameter in the .vmoptions file or the .bat\.sh file. To learn how to do this, please see the Modifying Advanced Settings help topic.

    Adding the option to the vmoptions worked for me.

  • manfredt's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Same here. Doesn't matter if SOAP or REST, everything is "incorrect".

    • shantha_mh2021's avatar
      New Contributor

      This issue was also reproducable in previou 2 versions as well. No environment is not pointing to actual api endpoint or even after update defintions and assign is confused. This triggered me to create environment to point to the endpoint.

      • sonya_m's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hi everyone, I've spoken to the Team about this behaviour, looks like this is going to be fixed in ReadyAPI 3.10.0.

        The current workaround is to use the previous version of the tool - e.g. ReadyAPI 3.9.1.


  • grahamsie's avatar
    New Contributor

    I am having exactly the same problem, and now cannot run my test pack at all.  

    • Cekay's avatar

      I contacted the support but all I got "Can you send the error message" which stupid me forgot to add :X

      If I get more information, I will post it here

    • Cekay's avatar

      I got following answer...


      ... For a current work around you can downgrade to the version of ReadyAPI where your tests ran properly while an investigation is underway.

      At least he could have provide a how to do that.

      • grahamsie's avatar
        New Contributor

        This issue seems to have fixed itself for me and I am not sure how. I viewed the endpoints to make sure everything was correct and it was. And I resaved them (with no changes made). I'm not sure if that did the trick. But after that everything seems to be working again.  I just wish I knew exactly for sure what I did that fixed it!