Forum Discussion

Mdar's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

HTTP Request assertion predicated on parameters and injecting URL components



I was wondering if there was a way to create HTTP request test steps, but call them from a groovy script for example, and inject certain parts of the URL -- interupting the script on fail. For example, the domain, parameters, endpoint, etc. The idea behind this question (maybe I should be going about this another way) is to create re-usable HTTP requests as components in my scripts that do validation.


1. Test Step A is an HTTP request, with a collection of assertions: [Assertion A, Assertion B, Assertion C . . ] preloaded


2. Test Step B (perhaps in another test case) is a groovy script that wants to fire an HTTP request using Test Step A, but also inject certain parameters, so the following request is made,


3. Test Step C might want to change the domain,



Finally, I was wondering if there was a feature that would populate assertions only if a given parameter or combination of parameters were present.




    • Mdar's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Ahh, thank you for your response!


      I've been looking at the documentation and will continue to do so -- but I'm wondering about the strategy you described.  


      a. An excel resource file for each different parameter value pair combination


      b. A template HTTP request test step reads the file, fires the request, and contains all assertions related to the endpoint, applies assertions based on the subset of parameters present


      Is this similar to what you're describing?

      All the best,




  • ChrisAdams's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Yes, exactly that.


    The datasource does not only have to contain the parameters, it can hold anything.


    In my data-driven tests, I typically have the parameters and expected results, for a given scenario, in a single row in Excel. 

    Once I've used the parameters in the request, I can then check the actual results against the expected results (from Excel) using a Groovy script step or you could use them in a simple assert on the request step itself.