How to update wsdl definition in soapui pro?
system : windows server 2012
application : Ready! API 1.4.1-m-SNAPSHOT
what is the proper way to update wsdl files in soapui pro?
i have a main project with multiple testsuites linked to multiple wsdl
So everything is working untill the wsdl files are updated by dev team.
So in Ready API there 6 tabs !
Start, Projects, SoapuiNG, LoaduiNG, Secure, ServiceV
Step to create a project:
1-go to Projetcs and create a new project (project1)
2-add wsdl file by right-clicking the project
then there are too much options to check like
-create Requests [] create sample request for all operation
-create testuite [] creates a testuiste for the imported wsdl
-create Paths [] stores all file paths in project relatively to project file (requires save)
check everything (not sure about the third point but i checked)
3-generate testsuite (testuiste1)
Then you have another big window with the following information to be selected and checked
Testsuite [<create>] here it's the default value for the first time i think.
Style: [] One TestCase for each Operation
[] Single TestCase with one request for each operation (not clear here)
Request Content: [] Use exisiting Requests in interface for each operation
[] Create new empty requests
Operation [] here you can see the list of request from wsdl file
Generate LoaduiTest (for now i did not check)
Now in Projects Tab, you can see the new project1 and something with double green arrows named Application
During Generate testuiste i named the testsuite like "app_v1" but i see Application, i do not know why.
Now go to SoapuiNG tab.
Here you can see the new projetc1 and a testuite named "app_v1"
So why here the testsuite is namde app_v1 and in Projects Tab it's named Application ? i never had answer for this.
So i go back to Project tab and renamed the testsuite "Application" to "app_v1"
Now everything is working when we create some automated test forlogin etc etc etc...
NOW the dev team update the wsdl file.
What to do now? Update the wsdl file
So go to Projetc tab and right-click the Testsuite "app_v1" then you have too many options, what to choose ?
i chose Update Definition and a ne window is open with again too many options to check like :
[]Create default request for new methods
[]Recreate existing requests for new schemas
[]Recreate optional content when updating request
[]Keeps exisiting values when recreating requests
[]Keeps any SOA Headers when recreating requets
[]Create backup copies of changed requests
[]Update all requests for operations in this Interface also
[]Opens a list of all requests that have updated
What to do here with so many options, i chose the first point and the 7th point.
Is it correct or not ? ---
After update teh definition, the testuiste name is changed to "Application"
So rename for the seond time to "app_v1"
1- is it the correct way to update wsdl file?
i'm not sure because if i go to SoapuiNG tab, i can see the project navigator, API navigator and Custom Properties
The API navigator show the project name and nothing else, no testsuite here.
Why we have API navigator here? is it necessary to see it here, we already see it in Project Tab.
So after the updation operation, i noticed in SoapuiNG that nothing was updated
2- What option shoud i choose for update?
3- If i choose Generate testuite by choosing the "app_v1" testsuite with different option,
in all case it's just adding new requests or a new testsuite.
It's not clear here.
Is this a way to update wsdl file?
After these operation, of course nothing is updated, i just fou