Forum Discussion

Said's avatar
6 years ago

How to select nodes matching criteria

Hi all,

Because large number of <c> elements in the response my checks take very long (hours). See simplified respresentation of response below. The actual response has much more elements.


See example of my code to process response below:

int totC = respHolder.getNodeValue("count(//b/c)").toInteger();
for (int i=1; i<=totC; i++) {
	if (respHolder.getNodeValue("exists(//b/c[$i]/e)") == "false") continue;
	// rest of my code

I have calcutated that only 40% of the <c> elements have an <e> element. So I am looking for a way to only get <c> elements that have an <e> element.  Then loop through them. How can I do this?


Thanks in advance.

  • Said: That's what I was afraid of. Unfortunately if you have to calculate each and every value that exists in the /b/c node where E exists, then you have to process every node individually and that is going to take time. I ran into similar problems because, as you stated, the arrays that the statements I provided would be completely and totally out of order and out of sync. 


    In my experience, there's no good way to do this other than parsing every //b/c node. 

4 Replies

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero


    Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, this is highly dependent on what you are doing and checking if this snippet returns true. 



    Can you give us an example of what you are doing in that scenario? If you need to check the value of D or F if E exists, you can play with an XPATH statement like below. This says, for the entire response, get me the value of //b/c/d where //b/c/e exists. It returns it as an array. 


    This outputs [1, 4, 9, 15] based on the sample response you gave. 

    • Said's avatar

      groovyguy, thanks alot for you fast response :smileyhappy:

      To answer you question: Can you give us an example of what you are doing in that scenario?

      I need to copy the values of d, e, f (and more, I left them out to keep it to the point) to an in memory database, to that I can use them to verify a calculation.

      Below statement gives me an array of all d when e exists.

      String[] d = respHolder["//b/c[exists(./e)]/d/text()"];

       I could use same type of statement to create and array for e and f. But what if e.g. f is not there in one of the nodes. The arrays are then not in sync. How could I deal with this?

      • groovyguy's avatar
        Community Hero

        Said: That's what I was afraid of. Unfortunately if you have to calculate each and every value that exists in the /b/c node where E exists, then you have to process every node individually and that is going to take time. I ran into similar problems because, as you stated, the arrays that the statements I provided would be completely and totally out of order and out of sync. 


        In my experience, there's no good way to do this other than parsing every //b/c node.