Forum Discussion

Siris's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

how to run ready api composite project in gitlab?



How to run ready api composite project in gitlab with license.


I am getting the following error:


No valid SoapUI license exists.
Please enter absolute path of the license file (.zip or .key):
[INFO] ReadyAPI 2.6.0 shutting down
[ERROR] java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found



  • As far as I understand you can not share fixed licenses, they have to be deactivated on the old machine before they can be installed and activated on a new one, if you are having problems deactivating contact SmartBear support.


    We had to purchase an additional fixed license for our Jenkins CI server.


    As an alternative to the fixed licences, you can get floating licenses that can be shared, though I have no experience of these.




8 Replies

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    This means ReadyAPI is being ran on either a machine that doesn't have a license, or as a user who doesn't have a license on that machine. ReadyAPI is licensed, as far as I am aware, per user per machine. So if you log onto a machine, and insteall ready api as "SIRIS" user, but Gitlab runs ReadyAPI as "GITLAB" user, that user does not have a license. 

    • aaronpliu's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      depends on your machine which install ReadyAPI with license. If you run on Master, your ReadyAPI should install with license, If you run on Slave, your ReadyAPI should install with licese on Slave.


      Copy command line to run on local and then debug in GitLab.




      • Siris's avatar
        Occasional Contributor



        I tried that also but I got an error as "ERROR: The license is invalid: The license can not be activated as the number of allowed copies has been exceeded"

        Not sure on how to install license on gitlab server


    • Siris's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks for the reply. Now I need to find out on how to run the Ready API project from CI/CD server(GitLab). Can the license be shared?

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        It is important to choose what type of license you are going to need while purchasing the software.

        There is a license type called floating which allows multiple users to use it on multiple machines, but allows single one can use at a time.

        Our experts already explained about fixed licensing.