Forum Discussion

sasubashri's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

how to run multiple ready api composite projects in parallel ?

how to run multiple ready api composite projects in parallel ?

6 Replies

  • sanj's avatar
    Super Contributor

    I do not see anything when looking at command line options for the testrunner

    Here are the options

    -a Turns on exporting of all results
    -A Turns on exporting of all results using folders instead of
    long filenames
    -c <arg> Sets the testcase
    -d <arg> Sets the domain
    -D <arg> Sets system property with name=value
    -e <arg> Sets the endpoint
    -E <arg> Sets the environment
    -f <arg> Sets the output folder to export results to
    -F <arg> Report format. Used with -R. Valid options PDF, XLS, HTML,
    RTF, CSV, TXT, and XML (comma-separated)
    -G <arg> Sets global property with name=value
    -g Sets the output to include Coverage HTML reports
    -h <arg> Sets the host
    -H <arg> Adds a custom HTTP Header to all outgoing requests
    (name=value), can be specified multiple times
    -i Enables Swing UI for scripts
    -I Do not stop if error occurs, ignore them
    -j Sets the output to include JUnit XML reports
    -J Sets the output to include JUnit XML reports adding test
    properties to the report
    -l <arg> Installs an activated license file
    -M Creates a Test Run Log Report in XML format
    -m Sets the maximum number of TestStep errors to save for each
    -O Do not send usage statistics
    -o Opens generated report(s) in a browser
    -p <arg> Sets the password
    -P <arg> Sets or overrides project property with name=value
    -r Prints a small summary report
    -R <arg> Report to Generate
    -s <arg> Sets the testsuite
    -S Saves the project after running the tests
    -t <arg> Sets the soapui-settings.xml file to use
    -T <arg> Runs only test cases that have the specified tags. Format:
    -T"TestCase tag1[, tag2 ...]".
    -u <arg> Sets the username
    -v <arg> Sets password for soapui-settings.xml file
    -w <arg> Sets the WSS password type, either 'Text' or 'Digest'
    -x <arg> Sets project password for decryption if project is encrypted
    Missing project file...
    C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-2.0.2\bin>



  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    What is your use case?

    How about running them in multiple commandline using testrunner utility?
    • sasubashri's avatar
      New Contributor

      so my use case: 

      1.   The app I am testing is based on microservices architecture. Currently we have around 35 services (this will increase)that have to be tested.
      2.    So we have 35 separate ready api composite projects that have tests.
      3.    We want to run regression any time there is a change in the app, and want to minimize the time to run regression.

      So I want to explore the option of running composite projects in parallel.




      • sanj's avatar
        Super Contributor

        Have them on CI using Jenkins and run what you need.


        This would be visa commandkin

        Or create your own runner to run them in parallel