How to make an action apply to more than a single test case.
I've created two hundred test cases before I found out that the default test case option is to stop the test case if any step fails. That's the opposite of what I want. I can set a new default behavior for any new test cases I create, but what about the two hundred I already have? I tried selecting multiple test cases and setting the option, but it only affects one test case. Do I really have to select two hundred test cases individually and manually set the option for each? There isn't even a way to use the keyboard to go to the next test case once you've clicked on the options button for a single test case. So I have to click a test case, causing it to expand, then click the option button, set it to not break on error, go back to the test case list, scroll it up because the expanded current test case has moved the next case out of the scroll window, click on the next test case, causing it to expand, 200 times? This tool is supposed to be saving me time, not forcing me to do the same thing again and again affecting one test case at a time.
Is there any way to set the test case properties of more than one test case to the same value in a single operation? Seriously, this has become less about designing test cases and more about fighting a UI that doesn't seem to be able to manage collections except one at a time.
instead of doing it manually, you could use some groovy script on the Setup Script at the Functional Tests level and programmatically change your Test Cases. Something like
project.getTestSuiteList().each { it.getTestCaseList().each { //Switch the parameter value to 'true' if you need to enable 'Abort on Error' option it.setFailOnError(false) } }
Always good to test this out before executing against all 200 test cases
Also, in the Preferences - > Default Test Case Options, you can toggle the Abort on Error default