Forum Discussion

678's avatar
Regular Contributor
6 years ago

how to get the data from HTML page and use that as a string

i have a HTML page of 10 pages, i need to get the Data of only 5th page to a String 



  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey 678 


    Could you supply a little more background and the use case?


    saying "I need to extract some data at page 5 of a 10 page .html file" needs a little drilling down to resolve the ambiguities!


    That said - I once had to extract some html which was a .json attribute so I just used the inbuilt xml parser available via the out of the box functionality.





    • 678's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      I am using following peice to read the complete html page but it a very long HTML page


      def filename = "C:/Users/ProjectReport.html"


      // read all the content of the file into a single string
      File fh1 = new File(filename)
      def report = fh1.getText('UTF-8')


      but i need the part of the page in between lines like 


      Tag line <TestSuite Results>  to  Tag line <end of TestSuite Results>

      • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hi 678,


        As far as I understand, you want to parse some report. Is it a ReadyAPI report?


        678 wrote:

        Tag line <TestSuite Results>  to  Tag line <end of TestSuite Results>

        It's not an HTML tag. This makes me think that it will be much easier if you export your report to the XML format. By using a groovy script, you can easily extract the needed node from an XML file by using XPath. Please read the following article for more information: