How to get all the ID's one by one
Hi all,
I have next task and understand that I need a groovy script for this.
I have next response with a few countries:
"id" : "ABW",
"iso2Code" : "AW",
"name" : "Aruba",
"region" : {
"id" : "LCN",
"iso2code" : "ZJ",
"value" : "Latin America & Caribbean "
"adminregion" : {
"id" : "",
"iso2code" : "",
"value" : ""
"incomeLevel" : {
"id" : "HIC",
"iso2code" : "XD",
"value" : "High income"
"lendingType" : {
"id" : "LNX",
"iso2code" : "XX",
"value" : "Not classified"
"capitalCity" : "Oranjestad",
"longitude" : "-70.0167",
"latitude" : "12.5167"
"id" : "ARG",
"iso2Code" : "AR",
"name" : "Argentina",
"region" : {
"id" : "LCN",
"iso2code" : "ZJ",
"value" : "Latin America & Caribbean "
And I need to put int the veriable all the ID's one by one: Example "id" : "ABW",
I'm using Property transfer for this and I'm able to select only one ID: $[1][0]['id'] - X[ath to the first one.
How can I select all of them?
Thank you in advance
Are you saying you have a variable number of 'id' attributes in your response or are they a fixed number?
You don't necessarily need groovyscript for this - unless you haven't got the Pro version?? Which version are you using?
Also - it's difficult to provide the relevant jsonpath as you .json is actually malformed.
Can you provide the wellformed .json? It looks like you just copied in the objects corresponding to a single record and added in a comma and copied in the objects to a second record but this returns malformed .json so it'll never work anyway.
Once we've got the wellformed json - it'll be a lot easier to give you the jsonpath you need I suspect - although I always struggle with jsonpath relative to xpath.