10 years agoNew Contributor
How do I turn off requests going to Google Analytics and in SoapUI NG?
While trying to trouble-shoot requests from SoapUI NG, I fired up Burp Suite and set the proxy in Ready! API to localhost:8080. In addition to my test's requests, the requests intercepted included on...
- 8 years ago
At the end of your test on the 1st environment, change the active environment to Env2 through Groovy step:
Then use the set property value. In my case, I'm transferring here the value of my token from the 1st environment:
<-- start of Token cleanup code, since I only need the text in the middle -->
def rawToken = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue( "rawToken" )
def cleanedToken = rawToken.substring(5,120)
<-- end of my token cleanup -->
testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.setPropertyValue( "Token", cleanedToken )Since in your case, these are login details and no more processing involved, maybe you can go straight to the last line. Just replace the variable I used with those you have for the logins.