Forum Discussion
Hello everyone,
First of all, I want to sincerely apologize for missing this forum thread. The reason this sometimes happens is that the new community forum is for both Open Source and Pro users, which sometimes makes it hard for our Customer care staff to keep up and look at all the threads. I also want to apologize for the incovenience caused by this bug, and for us not fixing it earlier. The reason is simply that until this afternoon we didn't even know about it.
A fix has now been merged to the release branch, so this functionality should work as intended in the upcoming 1.4 release of Ready! API. If you see any more problems, please let us know!
For more timely assistance, however, we strongly recommend that Ready! API users open support tickets rather than posting in the forums. If this had been done by the thread starter in April, a fix would have been made available a long time ago. We try to read what's posted in the forums, but unfortunately we will sometimes miss bug reports like this one. We really do want to help you users, however.
Kind regards,
Manne, Ready! API developer