Thanks for taking the time to reply Rao. Greatly Appreciated.
Different steps for different filters is out of the question, because then I'll need to maintain more scripts. Some of my scripts are very complicated with multiple CTEs, accessing data from 30-40 tables, with lots of case statements (even in where clauses) and window functions like ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY..), listagg() within group etc. The last thing I need is to have multiple versions of them 🙂
The commenting/uncommenting of course happens only during development or modifications. Otherwise I'm running tests for 1000s or records so the timeout reduction will not work.
So, the short answer is: No, there is no practical way offered by the ReadyAPI query editor to interrupt a query (other tools like SSMS and SQL Workbench/J have a menu button and/or menu option to cancel the execution)