Forum Discussion

PratikshaMehete's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Hermes JMS is unable to render byte message on IBM MQ to XML

The client is sending XML message in byte format into IBM MQ and we are trying to view it in HermesJMS. But Hermes JMS is unable to render byte message on IBM MQ to XML. The payload is blank and need to check the Hex value in order to view the details of the message. Is there any setting in HermesJMS that can be tweaked in order to view the message in XML format. Are there any renderers that we can use with HermesJMS to render a byte message into an XML message?

  • Hi Pratiksha! I believe that in your case the best thing would be to look for a solution on the Hermes forums or contact their support. Please do not hesitate to post questions about ReadyAPI here and the Community will be happy to share their expertise, thank you! 

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Is ReadyAPI involved in the process? Or is it just between IBM MQ and the application?
      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        You knew that this is forum for ReadyAPI.