Forum Discussion

gilugopi's avatar
10 years ago

Help required to install ReadyApi on Linux via command line/shell



I need to install ready api on a linux system. The problem is I don't see any documentation for ReadyApi or SoapUI pro which refer to installation on Linux via command line.


I don't have the option to run it via X Windows, KDE, Gnome etc. Looking for a way to do the following via command line access via a putty session.

1. Install ReadyApi

2. Use floating license which is already available on a license server.


On this installation, I don't plan to use the Ready API user interface at all. My only objective is to run tests via testrunner.


Please help ASAP.


Thanks & Regards,

Gilu Gopi

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Choose right installer that suits your needs. Which installer are you using(name it) ?
    You need to use, .sh or tar ball installer. And there is an option to choose the license with testrunner utility. Try ReadyAPI-<version>/bin/ -help
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    You need to use, .sh or tar ball installer. And there is an option to choose the license with testrunner utility. Try ReadyAPI-<version>/bin/ -help
    • gilugopi's avatar

      Thanks for your reply!


      I've been using 'ReadyAPI-1.5.0-linux-bin.tar.gz' installer and seems that part is right. Also tried ' -help'.  Following is the only line I found applicable to installation of license.


      -l <arg> Installs an activated license file


      The trouble I'm having is, there is no indication in help regarding how to get the floating license from my license server. For a GUI based activation of license I used to open the licence wiazrd and provide the ip address / host url of the license sever which worked perfectly. But I still have no clue on how to use the license server via a putty terminal.


      Would you be a able to give an example command to activate floating license from license server?


      Appreciate your help.


      Thanks & Regards,

      Gilu Gopi

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        gilugopi, I believe that you might already have an activated license using the license that you had received.
        The command clearly says (as per the '-l' option description.
        ./ -l <absolute file path of license file>.

        Please apply it and run some small test then post your findings. Sounds good?