Forum Discussion

PiotrG's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

GUI crashes - menu bar is invisible and problems with popup windows

Hi all,


I got problem with Ready API! 1.7. When I open it there are problems with showing content of popup windows and application menu bar is missing.
In running log I see lot of similar exceptions (one of logs in attachment):
at javax.swing.UIDefaults.getUIError(



In GUI it results with something like below. You can see in the middle broken popup window with a question "Exit Ready! API?" and I don't have any chance to answer it. Additionally there is no menu bar so I can't access many functions and keyboard shortcuts also doesn't work (so I can't import projects, can't save, can't open existing one).


Did anyone of you experienced something similar in the past? Is there any workaround?


A friend of mine says it can be related to the Oracle SSO but I don't have any chance to disable it.


Some background:

Everything was OK up to the last week when I've removed from my machine all the JREs except (I had, and the newest was always set as system default one). I got a couple of JDKs. Anyway it shouldn't be a problem as I'm using Ready API distributed with own JRE.

Env details:
- JRE as default at system level

- JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73

- JRE_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73\jre

- Windows 7 x64

- 16 GB RAM

- Ready API 1.7 32b, distributed with own JRE

Problem is the same for all Ready API 1.7 versions and combinations of variants:

- x64

- 32b

- with own JRE

- without


Command to run Ready API looks like:
"C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\..\jre\bin\java" -Xms128m -Xmx900m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=40 -Dgroovy.source.encoding=iso-8859-1 "-Dsoapui.home=C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\\" -splash:ready-api-splash.png -Dsoapui.ext.libraries="C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\ext" -Dsoapui.ext.listeners="C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\listeners" -Dsoapui.ext.actions="C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\actions" -Djava.library.path="C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\\" -Dwsi.dir="C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\..\wsi-test-tools" -cp "C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\ready-api-ui-1.7.0.jar;C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\..\lib\*;C:\dev\ReadyAPI-1.7.0-win32\bin\..\.install4j\*" com.smartbear.ready.ui.ReadyApiMai


  • pusanggala's avatar
    New Contributor


    I am having a similar issue of menu bar not showing up.

    Were you able to fix your issue? Did you get a solution for the problem?

    Please let me know.


    Thank you.

    • PiotrG's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      There was issue and correlation with Oracle Single SignOn. We had to disable/kill it during soapUI start. When it was off then everything was fine (at least from GUI point of view).