Forum Discussion

richie's avatar
Community Hero
5 months ago

GroovyScript Help - Repeating JSON Attributes Have Specific Value.....some of the time?

Hey! Ok - so I've got GET request with multiple different query parms -one of these query parms is 'handling_codes'. The GET returns a JSON response payload that contains multiple 'CONSIGNMENT' r...
  • nmrao's avatar
    5 months ago

    Here is the complete script which uses the attached file and asserts the codes 

    Please follow the inline comments:


    //Script Assertion
    def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response)
    def expectedCode = 'SPX'
    //find all non empty handling_codes
    def hc_list ='handling_codes'.findAll() 
    //List the non empty handling_codes item count hc_list.size
    //Iterate thru each handling_codes, then check the code list contains at least expectedCode
    hc_list.each { hc -> hc.code
    	assert hc.code.any {it == expectedCode} , "$hc does not contain $expectedCode"


    Use the above script as Script Assertion where you get the response (not separate groovy script test step)

    There are some empty handling_codes are there in the data and assuming that you want to ignore them, hence .findAll() used as shown below (line #5 of the script)

    def hc_list ='handling_codes'.findAll()

    if you also need to consider them, then change it to

    def hc_list ='handling_codes'