Forum Discussion

raygoel's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Groovy Script assertion always passes even though the values don't match the response



I am writing assertions for an API which has the following JSON response - 


      "id" : "dd72080a-be22-4e60-a0e4-58f35d4144e5",
      "name" : "I_Plate3",
      "containerType" : null,
      "isInventory" : true,
      "isProcess" : false,
      "inventoryTemplateName" : "I_Plate3",
      "process" : null,
      "lid" : null
      "id" : "1f2e0738-358e-478b-abf9-d4b79383d587",
      "name" : "Plate1",
      "containerType" : "SLAS/SBS Standard",
      "isInventory" : false,
      "isProcess" : true,
      "inventoryTemplateName" : null,
      "process" : {
         "id" : "a3b5e431-dc18-43af-b204-ae877c7c72b9",
         "name" : "UsingProcessPlates"
      "lid" : null



In the response I iterate over isProcess and if it is true, I put an assertion on the process name and lid. Here is the script I am using for this - 



import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

def response = messageExchange.response.responseContent

def slurpedResponse = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
if ( slurpedResponse*.isProcess) {
	switch ( {
		case "Plate1" :
			assert == "UsingProce"
			assert slurpedResponse.lid == null
		case "Plate2" : 
			assert == "UsingProcessPlates"
			assert slurpedResponse.lid == "Plate2Lid"


The issue is that the assertion below passes when it should be failing since the name of the process does not match with what it is in the JSON response. 


assert == "UsingProce"


I have tried it with assert as well but the assertion still passes when it should fail. 

Can someone please help me with the error in my script? 

  • A couple of things to mention.

    ReadyAPI offers out of the box assertions, so that you don't necessarily have to script assertions. There may be one available that might assist you


    On the script itself, there doesn't seem to be any brackets ( [ ] ) at the start/end of your JSON. When added in, and I tried some of your script, I logged the following (debug purposes). 

    slurpedResponse*.isProcess = [false, true]
    slurpedResponse[0].isProcess = false
    slurpedResponse[1].isProcess = true


    Have you thought about iterating through your array of responses to check your values as a test? its useful to use the to write script logs to console for checking values 

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2


    Couple of things

    1. Response has array. So it should be looped thru and and assert each.

    2. There should be default in the switch.

    • raygoel's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks for the response! 

      So, I believe the right way to approach this would be using a for loop? 


      I used the * operator for JasonSlurper thinking it will iterate over all the elements in the array but guess it works differently from a for loop. 

      • raygoel's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        I fixed the assertions using a for loop 


        import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
        def response = messageExchange.response.responseContent
        def slurpedResponse = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
        def count = slurpedResponse.Size
        for(i=0; i< count ; i++) {
        		if(slurpedResponse[i].name == "Plate1") {
        			assert slurpedResponse[i] == "UsingProcessPlates"
        			assert slurpedResponse[i].lid == null
        		if(slurpedResponse[i].name == "Plate2") {
        			assert slurpedResponse[i] == "UsingProcessPlates"
        			assert slurpedResponse[i].lid == "Plate2Lid"
        		if(slurpedResponse[i].name == "Plate2Lid") {
        			assert slurpedResponse[i] == "UsingProcessPlates"
        			assert slurpedResponse[i].lid == null
        		if(slurpedResponse[i].name == "PlateSet") {
        			assert slurpedResponse[i] == "UsingProcessPlates"
        			assert slurpedResponse[i].lid == "PlateSetLid"
        		if(slurpedResponse[i].name == "PlateSetLid") {
        			assert slurpedResponse[i] == "UsingProcessPlates"
        			assert slurpedResponse[i].lid == null
        		if(slurpedResponse[i] == "Plate_StallRun") {
        			assert slurpedResponse[i] == "StallRun"
        			assert slurpedResponse[i].lid == null
        	else {
"The container is not used in any process")


        Thanks for the idea! 


        I would like to know if there is documentation about different kind of assertions that ReadyAPI offers through scripting. I am okay writing code and would like to explore the assert library more in depth. 

